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Centranthus ruber

Centranthus ruber
Jupiter's beard

Synonym(s) Valeriana rubra
Common name Jupiter's beard
Family valerianaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers red-pink
Size 2 ft
Light sun
From seed Easy from seed, sow at room temperature. Reseeds in our garden.
Seed ripenslate June

Blooms late spring through summer, with masses of purple-pink flowerheads. Good for borders and cut flowers. Attracts bees and butterflies, and supposedly hummingbirds, although they don't visit our garden.

Centranthus ruber

Where it's happy, Jupiter's beard freely seeds itself around. In our garden, that's mainly in our front lane, where it not only finds its way into the flower borders, but also inserts itself into the spaces between our natural paving stones (along with some other free-seeding perennials, such as the Salvia regeliana and Fibigia clypeata in this photo). I remove the ones that are in the way, but always leave a few along the edge of the pathway, since I appreciate their cheerfulness and admire their tenaciouslness.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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